Monday, August 30, 2021

Fall 2021 Academic Policies

As a reminder, this fall we return to our regular deadlines and grading systems. These guidelines are as follows:

  • Dropping a course or four credits by the 10th week of classes for a mark of W.
  • A mark of Pass indicates that a student earned a C- or better. Prior to Spring 2021, Pass indicated a grade of D- or better. An emergency policy changed the Pass to a C-, and the Senate will vote this fall on keeping the higher grade requirement. 
  • All other aspects of the regular Pass/Fail grading options will apply this fall. Students may elect to take one class with the Pass/Fail grading method per semester, for a total of 12 credits during their undergraduate career, but the course cannot meet major, minor, or General Education requirements. Students must have earned 30 credits (at least 15 of those credits should be from the University of Maryland) and have a cumulative GPA of 2.0. Students must select their grading method for a course by the last day of the schedule adjustment period.  

Feel free to also review the undergraduate Course Related Policies and Resources.