Monday, July 25, 2022

Undergrad RA Opportunity with LEAD Lab -- August 12th

The Language, Experience, and Development (LEAD) Lab in the department of Human Development and Quantitative Methodology, directed by Dr. Rachel Romeo, is hiring Undergraduate Research Assistants for the 2022-2023 academic year. 

The LEAD Lab team studies how children’s early experiences—both favorable and adverse—influence their neural, cognitive, and academic development. Research Assistants in the LEAD Lab engage in a variety of tasks, including recruiting participants, facilitating child and family visits to the lab, assisting with neuroimaging sessions, examining videos for patterns of parent-child interaction, and much more!

The LEAD Lab is interested in applicants with a range of experiences, and we especially encourage students without previous research experience to apply. Applicants with a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, history of/interest in working with children and families, commitment to collaboration, and interest in the intersections of developmental psychology, developmental cognitive neuroscience, and educational equity may find a good fit in the LEAD Lab. 

Interested students can learn more about the LEAD Lab at this link:, and they can fill out the lab’s interest/application form at this link: Compensation through course credit and/or federal work study are available.

Please direct any questions to lab manager Ellie Taylor at