Thursday, September 15, 2022

NIH Neuroscience Seminar Series


NIH: Neuroscience Seminar Series


Cortical human axons separated from separated from their cell bodies using microfluidic devices. Credit: Dr. Jorge Gomez-Deza, Dr. Claire Le Pichon Lab NICHD, NIH.


The NIH Neuroscience Seminar Series features lectures and discussions with leading neuroscientists. All students are welcome to attend, however juniors and seniors will benefit greatly from the information that will be presented. 

Sponsored by NINDSNIMHNIANIDCDNIDANICHDNEINIAAANIDCRNHGRI and NCCIH, the series offers seminars on aspects of molecular, cellular, developmental and cognitive neuroscience as well as neuroscience related topics in disease, pain, and genetics.

Unless otherwise noted, seminars are held on Mondays from noon to 1:00 pm (Eastern Time) virtually via NIH-Zoom. 

Meeting ID: 160 933 6182, Passcode: 774912.

NIH Series Link 

Please contact the corresponding seminar host listed on the below schedule for requests to meet with a guest speaker following the seminar.

  • September 19th: Disease Mechanisms and Therapeutic Targets for tRNA Synthetase-associated Peripheral Neuropathies
  • September 23rd 
      • tbd
If you would like to receive email announcements about the NIH Neuroscience Seminar Series, please SUBSCRIBE to the Neuroseries-L email list.