Wednesday, October 5, 2022



BCaT is a new lab located in the Department of Communication at the University of Maryland that serves students and faculty on our campus and through an affiliate network across the country. BCaT lab is a part of the Digital Inquiry, Speculation, Collaboration, & Optimism (DISCO) Network funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation (Read more about DISCO here). We seek to enliven a new generation of scholars focusing on Black studies and cultural production, digital humanities, and critical race work, creating a prototype for recruiting and sustaining a new generation of scholars in digital studies.

BCAT Lab Welcome Event: Drop by our lab at 3115 Skinner Building on Oct 12th between 1-3 pm to meet the team, grab food, and see our new space!

At the BCaT lab, we model a cohort approach that offers support to undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty in recruitment, training, and mentoring. We help scholars navigate through digital research by facilitating public and academic workshops about digital studies and methodologies, fostering a consistent mentoring network between students and faculty, and conducting collaborative projects that enhance our understanding of Black digital studies within the humanities.